Category Archives: Life in the desert

Laayoune skyline

Amazing clouds throwing playful shadows over the dunes today. Laayoune skyline album.

Sahara coastline

Sunset behind a long ago sunken ship. See more travel photos from the Sahara coastline slideshow.

Gone with the wind

Hanging clothes to dry on the terrace in the desert seems like an easy thing to do, no hassle. However, enter the wind. Yesterday we came back home and found socks embracing a towel on the floor while a shirt was comfortably slouching on a chair. A pair of shorts went AWOL; they were later found loitering in the nearby parking lot.

Back home

Tune in for more exciting recipes

After 10 days in Agadir we have now returned back to the desert. It’s time to start preparing our own food and perhaps we can come up with a few new recipes as well. If we succeed, (chances are usually 50/50 so don’t expect any extravagancies à la Keith Floyd) we promise to share them in the Sam’s cooking lab category. It’s also time to write a number of stories from our previous trips before we go on our next adventure – to Marrakech!

This morning we went for a long walk with Sam. We even managed to run for a while! Later on we prepared a tasty Sunday brunch with a new addition – Autumn desert salad.

(psst, the secret ingredient is tangerine flavored olive oil).


You can tell its November because nights are really getting colder. Tonight we were spending the entire evening on the roof-top terrace of our apartment, wrapped in a blanket with a nice glass of wine and candles all around us. It definitely made us feel much warmer. Evenings like this are really special. Bonne Nuit from the desert.