Blog Archives

Happy Anniversary – a year of blog, sweat and tears!

Today it’s exactly one year since we started our blog and it has been a fantastic year full of traveling, eating and writing. We started out just for fun but since we got so much wonderful feedback from you, readers, we started to take our blogging more and more seriously. As of  today we have published 170 posts and looking back we can see that (at least) we had a lot of fun while doing them.

Basically it’s hard to summarize such an eventful year so let’s take a look at some unpublished, behind-the-scenes pictures instead.

We made plenty of nice dishes this year but many of them we never managed to share…

Mmm…fantastic meatballs but where the hell is the recipe!

Ha, ha, ha I just ate it…

We also made plenty of cool drinks but, again, we forgot to share…

On the other hand, many recipes didn’t turn out very well…no matter how much garnish…

This is the reason why we never shared any behind-the-scenes-pictures while grilling. Next year we should invest in some new kitchen equipment…

Sometimes we have been cheating…

Sometimes we have been fighting…

And that has made us highly respected in the travel blogging business…

We have been smoking cigars in Rome…

We have been sipping wine in Spain…

Mingled with the stars in Cannes…

Many potential hotel reviews have never been shared because of Alex’s “artistic” camera skills…

And sometimes Hanna just couldn’t focus on the right things…

But back in Laayoune…

We can focus on the important stuff…

And recharge our batteries for the next coming blogging-year

The night watcher

Apple-biting suspense

The torture, the anxiety, looking at the watch, click, click, click, making sure it hasn’t stopped. Two, three o’clock in the morning. Sweaty palms, bloodshot eyes glued to the screen, waiting and waiting. Voices in the head whispering it won’t happen. Go away, it will, we know. And suddenly, there is light, there is movement, hooray, it has arrived! We are ecstatic, jumping up and down singing: “Yabadabadooooo!! our first view!” Yes, somewhere out there in the unknown cyberspace somebody has graced with being our first visitor of the day. We fall on the bed exhausted. Passing out. Until next night…